Great Roads


Great Roads make Great Rides. Below are the top ranked roads from the Great Rides Tours.   Click on the links below for a map link for the listed road.


A Note about Google Maps.  If you are clicking on a map link below in the winter time, many of the roads on these tours are closed.  Google will route you around closed roads, so be aware of this issue so you don’t plan a trip that excludes many of the highlighted roads.


1) Bearthooth Highway, Route 212 MT, WY

2) Anatone-Rattlesnake Grade, Route 3 OR and Route 129 WA

3) Going To The Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Route 1 MT

4) Bigfoot Scenic Byway, Route 96 CA 

5) Ice Fields Parkway, Route 93 AB

6) Selkirk International Route, Route 3A AB, Route 3 BC, Route 6 BC, Route 31 WA, Route 20 WA, Route 2 ID

7) Monte Cristo, Route 39 UT

8) Chief Joseph Highway, Route 296 WY


AMA Top 15 Roads in America